Note:U-M VPN (with a faculty, staff, or student profile) is required Ontario drivers license trillium number generator. when off the U-M Network.
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Install and Set up Cisco Jabber
Cisco Jabber Download For Mac Sign in Cisco Jabber 12.1 Download Mac. To launch Jabber, open your Applications folder and double-click the Cisco icon. Enter your sunetid@stanford (for University affiliates), (for SHC affiliates), or your login (SCH affiliates) and click Continue. Jabber for iPad. Total war warhammer assembly kit tutorial. Jabber for iPhone. Jabber for iPhone and iPad. Jabber for Windows. Jabber Softphone for VDI. Jabber Software Development Kit. Downloads: Available from Download Center, Apple iTunes App Store, and Google Play for Android. At the top left of your screen, open the Apple menu ( ) 2. Select “About This Mac”. In the “Overview” tab, look for “Processor” or “Chip”. Check if it says “Intel”. Choose your download option based on the prossesor you have.
- Download the Cisco Jabber Installation File for Mac (i.e., “CiscoJabberMac-”).
- Open the file on your computer and follow the prompted installation instructions.
- Double-click the Cisco Jabber app icon to launch Jabber from the Applications folder.
- Before entering credentials, click Advanced settings.
- Under Select your account type, select Cisco Communications Manager 9 or later.
- Under Login server, select Use the following server.
- Enter the appropriate server name based on your campus in the Server address field:
- Ann Arbor:
- Dearborn:
- Flint:
Important: Do not cut and paste the server address from the list.
- Click Save.
- On the initial login/setup screen, enter the credentials provided to you by the ITS Telecommunications Analyst in the field. These credentials are your assigned softphone 10-digit phone number appended with (e.g.,
- Click Continue.
- Enter your password in the Password field.
- Click Sign In. Jabber will open and is ready for use.
- If this is a first-time setup, select 'Always trust for certificates from the following servers' and click Continue, if prompted.
- Reset Jabber if you receive a server information error.
Configure Options

To configure your Jabber device, click Preferences from the Jabber hub at the top of your Mac screen under Jabber.
- General
- Jabber must be open to receive calls. If the application is not open when the number is called, the caller will be sent to voicemail (if one exists). When not on the U-M Network, you must enable the U-M VPN to use a faculty, staff, or student profile for use on your machine.
- Audio
- The audio is dependent on the device used (e.g., PC or headset). Select the desired choice for the Ringer, Output, and Microphone.
- Calls
- Under 'When using my desk phone for calls, bring the call window to the front,' select On all calls.
- Under Call Forward, select Voicemail if one exists or select New Number to enter another phone number.
- For non-UM phone numbers, use “91” followed by the 5 or 10-digit phone number.
- Select the new number from the Forward Calls to: drop-down menu. The forwarding number will show on the main Jabber page.
Note: U-M does not support video calls at this time.
Cisco Jabber For Mac 12.8 Download
- Accounts
- This setting is preset and can’t be changed.