How to convert MKV to Apple ProRes for editing in FCPX. I am sure you will freak out when being faced with such scenariOS as 'it is frustrating that I can't edit my HD MKV video recordings on Final Cut Pro X', 'What on earth is the best editing codec for FCPX' or 'I lost my patience when I try to import 1080p MKV footage into Final Cut Pro X for editing but in vain'. Go to ProRes products. Apple ProRes is one of the most popular video formats in professional video production and post-production. ProRes is a codec technology developed by Apple for high-quality, high-performance editing in Final Cut Pro.
- Quicktime Codec Pack Windows
- Prores Premiere Pro Windows
- Apple Prores 4444 Xq Codec Download Mac
- Prores Windows 10

More Profiles. More Pixel Formats. Better Performance. The New Version 2!
The second generation release of the Miraizon DNxHD and ProRes Codecs brings many new features and improvements.
- New support for ProRes 4444 XQ profile encoding and decoding
- New support for DNxHD 444 profile encoding and decoding
- New encoding rate control system with improved image quality
- New threaded encoding system for faster encoding performance
- New support for additional pixel formats
- New support for conversions between 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 for more pixel formats
- Improved compatibility with Adobe CS and CC products
See the complete list of new features and improvements for the Windows version and the Mac version.
The Industry's Two Most Popular Professional Editing Codecs Together
The DNxHD (VC-3) and ProRes codecs have both enjoyed increasing popularity among video editors. Unfortunately, support for the two codecs is uneven across computer platorms and editing systems, making it often difficult for editors to collaborate and exchange files. This patchy support also poses problems for archiving projects if an organization decides to switch editing platforms or computer systems. Now, Miraizon has a convenient and cost-effective solution to this problem. The Miraizon DNxHD and ProRes codec components offer identical functionality for both Mac and Windows users, as well as identical compression and decompression capability to all QuickTime-compatible applications. Editors can now use the best codec for the job while maintaining their preferred editing system and computer platform.
Use DNxHD with Macs. Use DNxHD without Media Composer.
While DNxHD codec components have been available for some time, fully thread-safe components have been missing. This limited the useability of the DNxHD codec on the Macintosh platform. In addition, unless you owned Avid Media Composer, the only available components were older and had reduced functionality. The Miraizon DNxHD codec components are modern, fully thread-safe components that will work with any QuickTime-capable application. They offer identical performance and functionality for Mac and Windows users, and even for users of older PowerPC-based Macs.
Use ProRes with Windows. Use ProRes without Final Cut.
The ProRes codec has been gaining in popularity, but until now Windows users have been left out. Sure, it was possible to play ProRes movies under Windows, but not to actually edit or modify those movies. The only choices were clunky implementations based on open-source projects. Mac users who didn't want to purchase Final Cut were in stuck the same situation. Now, with the Miraizon ProRes codec component, these problems have been solved. The Miraizon components are modern, fully thread-safe components that will work on Macs and on Windows with any QuickTime-compatible application. The Mac and Windows versions offer identical performance and functionality, and even users of older PowerPC-based Macs are not left out.
Powerful Performance
The Miraizon codecs automatically take advantage of the processing power of your system to dramatically speed up both compression and decompression.
- SSE2 and AltiVec vector acceleration for faster compression, decompression, and format conversions
- Multi-threaded program structure gives impressive performance gains on systems with multiple CPUs
- Multi-threading adjusts according to the number of CPUs in your system
Miraizon DNxHD Codec Features
The Miraizon DNxHD codec delivers professional performance and is fully compatible with Avid DNxHD codecs.
- Support for all 4:2:2 VC-3 standardized profiles
- Support for 4:4:4 DNxHD 444 profile
- Support for both progressive and interlaced video
- Selection of profile and interlacing both programmatically and through a dialog interface
- Support for conversions between 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 formats
- Support for conversions between 8 bit and 10 bit video formats
- Support for frame sizes up to 1920x1080
- Support for non-standard frame sizes with automatic padding and selection of best profile
- Support for input and output in a wide variety of pixel formats, including 4:2:2 (8/10/16 bits), ARGB (8/16 bits), BGRA, v308, v408, r408, r4fl, and v410
Miraizon ProRes Codec Features
The Miraizon ProRes-compatible codec delivers professional performance and is fully compatible with Apple ProRes codecs.
- Support for all 4:2:2 profiles, including Proxy, LT, 422, and HQ
- Support for all 4:4:4 profiles, including 4444 and 4444 XQ, with or without alpha channel data
- Support for both progressive and interlaced video
- Selection of profile and interlacing both programmatically and through a dialog interface
- Support for conversions between 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 formats
- Support for conversions between 8 bit and 10 bit video formats
- Support for all frame sizes from below standard-definition through HD 2K, 4K, and beyond
- Support for non-standard frame sizes with automatic padding and cropping
- Support for input and output in a wide variety of pixel formats, including 4:2:2 (8/10/16 bits), ARGB (8/16 bits), BGRA, v308, v408, r408, r4fl, and v410
QuickTime Component Features
Quicktime Codec Pack Windows
The Miraizon DNxHD and ProRes codec components are implemented as modern QuickTime 7 compatible components.
- Implementation as QuickTime Image Compression and Image Decompression components for widest compatibility
- Support for Standard Compression dialog configuration (e.g. in QuickTime Pro)
- Support for Request Settings dialog configuration (e.g. in Adobe CS and CC products)
- Support for programmatic configuration and operation via compression and decompression sessions
- Full compatibility with movies produced by Avid and Apple components
Still have questions? Visit our Miraizon DNxHD and ProRes Codecs FAQ page.
All Apple ProRes codecs support all frame sizes (including SD, HD, 2K, 4K, and 5K) at full resolution. The data rates vary based on codec type, image content, frame size, and frame rate. Apple ProRes includes the following formats.

To bring the same performance, quality, and ease of use introduced by Apple ProRes to raw media, use Apple ProRes RAW. Learn more about ProRes RAW.
Apple ProRes 4444 XQ*
Sep 23, 2020 ProRes 4444 – What distinguishes ProRes 4444 from ProRes 422 is that the former supports up to 16-bit alpha channel, and the picture quality is virtually lossless. Even though the files are significantly gigantic, ProRes 4444 can accommodate more colors and offers a data rate of around 330Mbps for 1920 x 1080 resolution at 29.97fps. ProRes XQ (or ProRes 4444 XQ) was released in June 2014 as an expansion to the already very robust ProRes 4444. The new codec kept all the standard 4444 features post and VFX work have come to love (lossless 12 bit color and 16 bit with alpha), but has expanded the data rate to a staggering 396 MB/s at 1080p24 (vs 264 MB/s with 4444). Copying FCP X included Prores codecs into Quicktime folder (yes, I'm in Mac) does not work anymore!!! How to delete download updates on mac. What will I tell my clients when I need to import/export Prores XQ? Not very customer friendly breaking working tools (and installing tons of mysterious processes in my.
Apple ProRes 4444 XQ is the highest-quality version of Apple ProRes for 4:4:4:4 image sources (including alpha channels). This format has a very high data rate to preserve the detail in high-dynamic-range imagery generated by today’s highest-quality digital image sensors. Apple ProRes 4444 XQ preserves dynamic ranges several times greater than the dynamic range of Rec. 709 imagery. This holds true even against the rigors of extreme visual effects processing in which tone-scale blacks or highlights are stretched significantly. Like standard Apple ProRes 4444, this codec supports up to 12 bits per image channel and up to 16 bits for the alpha channel. Apple ProRes 4444 XQ features a target data rate of approximately 500 Mbps for 4:4:4 sources at 1920x1080 and 29.97 fps.
Apple Prores 422
ProRes 4444 XQ is supported on OS X Mountain Lion v10.8 or later.
Apple ProRes 4444*
Apple ProRes 4444 is an extremely high-quality version of Apple ProRes for 4:4:4:4 image sources (including alpha channels). This codec features full-resolution, mastering-quality 4:4:4:4 RGBA color, and visual fidelity that is perceptually indistinguishable from the original material. Apple ProRes 4444 is a high-quality solution for storing and exchanging motion graphics and composites, with excellent multigeneration performance and a mathematically lossless alpha channel of up to 16 bits. This codec features a remarkably low data rate compared to uncompressed 4:4:4 HD. It has a target data rate of approximately 330 Mbps for 4:4:4 sources at 1920x1080 and 29.97 fps. It also offers direct encoding of and decoding to both RGB and Y’CBCR pixel formats.
Apple ProRes 422 HQ
Apple ProRes 422 HQ is a higher-data-rate version of Apple ProRes 422 that preserves visual quality at the same high level as Apple ProRes 4444 but for 4:2:2 image sources. With widespread adoption across the video post-production industry, Apple ProRes 422 HQ offers visually lossless preservation of the highest-quality professional HD video that a single-link HD-SDI signal can carry. This codec supports full-width, 4:2:2 video sources at 10-bit pixel depths, while remaining visually lossless through many generations of decoding and reencoding. The target data rate is approximately 220 Mbps at 1920x1080 and 29.97 fps.
Apple ProRes 422

Apple ProRes 422 is a high-quality compressed codec offering nearly all the benefits of Apple ProRes 422 HQ, but at 66 percent of the data rate for even better multistream, real-time editing performance. The target data rate is approximately 147 Mbps at 1920x1080 and 29.97 fps.
Apple ProRes 422 LT
Apple ProRes 422 LT is a more highly compressed codec than Apple ProRes 422, with roughly 70 percent of the data rate and 30 percent smaller file sizes. This codec is perfect for environments where storage capacity and data rate are at a premium. The target data rate is approximately 102 Mbps at 1920x1080 and 29.97 fps.
Apple ProRes 422 Proxy
Prores Premiere Pro Windows

Apple Prores 4444 Xq Codec Download Mac
Apple Prores 4444 Xq Codec Download Mac 10.10
Apple ProRes 422 Proxy is an even more highly compressed codec than Apple ProRes 422 LT, intended for use in offline workflows that require low data rates but full-resolution video. The target data rate is approximately 45 Mbps at 1920x1080 and 29.97 fps.
Prores Windows 10
* Apple ProRes 4444 and Apple ProRes 4444 XQ are ideal for the exchange of motion graphics media because they are virtually lossless. They are also the only Apple ProRes codecs that support alpha channels.